Five Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them

You may take for granted that your kids know you love them, but, in many cases that may not be true. Kids need constant reassurance, especially from Mom and Dad. The world is hard and kids can face a lot of troubles and difficulties out in society. A strong foundation of love and security at home can go a long way in giving your child the strength to get through each day in a positive way. Try these ideas:


  • Small Gestures


Place sweet notes in lunches, tape them to their bedroom door, or write loving messages on their bathroom mirror. These are all ways to remind your kids that you love them and are thinking about them. Buy them a treat, or watch their favorite show with them. Little things like this go a long way.


  • Expect a Lot From Them


This may seem counterintuitive, but expecting a lot of our kids makes them know that we think very highly of them. Challenge them and expect them to help around the house. Teach them life skills that will set them up for success once their out on their own. Give them a purpose and make them feel like they have a mission in life. They may not see the value in this now, but when they’re older, they’ll thank you for expecting a lot of them and believing their capable of accomplishing a lot!


  • Care About Their Health


Don’t feed your kids junk and let them sit around all day. Nor should you let them stay up until all hours and then sleep until noon. Teach your children self-care and guide them about what kind of food they eat and how much sedentary time they engage in, especially staring at screens. Make them feel like you care about them – mind, body, and spirit.


  • Set Limits


Give your kids boundaries. Check their phone and social media accounts to make sure they’re on the up and up online. Don’t indulge their every wish and desire. Don’t allow them to be disrespectful to you or others. Again, they may see this as mean and oppressive now, but later in life they’ll look back and see how much you cared about their safety, character, and well-being.


  • Tell Them


Tell your kids that you love them when you wake them up each morning. Then again when you drop them off at school. And when you pick them up. Tell them when they walk into the room and again when they leave it. Email them and tell them that you love them. Post it on their Facebook page. Tell them multiple times at night before they go to sleep. Let it be the last thing they hear from you before they close their eyes at the end of each day. The point is, you can never ever tell them enough that you love them. Not only will they know for sure how you feel about them, but this practice will help them to become loving, caring people as well.

Everyone loves their kids, right? Hopefully. But not every parent shows their kids that they love them. Use these little tips to show your children in a big way just how much they mean to you!

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